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Home > Power Rangers > Other > Merchandise

Last comments - Merchandise
Zeo Rangers1039 views08/15/07 at 22:58RedRanger1: Cool pic
Display Case full view1206 viewsWell here is the display case in full view08/15/07 at 22:54RedRanger1: Whoa! And I thought I had a lot of figures.
Yellow674 viewsI just took this picture of both the yellow lightstar space figure and the yellow lights and sound lightspeed figure. As they were the two yellow rangers i had trouble getting a hold of.08/11/07 at 23:19RedRanger1: Sod's Law for ya. The Female Rangers are very ...
Mystic Light Figures + Knight Wolf1201 viewsA picture I took of the mystic light figures with the knight wolf08/11/07 at 23:15RedRanger1: Even though I don't have a camera, I deliberat...
Zeo action feature figures display mode961 viewsI had a display mode for every team but zeo because I didn't have them. But yesterday they finally arrived and :D here they are08/04/07 at 20:42RedRanger1: Cool set of the Zeo Rangers and the skirts look go...
yellow and pink turbo with more accurate looking skirts779 viewsI added the black lines to their skirts, it's just a temporary thing I was trying out, thats why it doesn't look that good yet.08/04/07 at 20:38RedRanger1: "I won't do that again" is right, Ar...
Rocky's Revenge1166 viewsI've seen this done with figures in the past so I wanted to try it out :D08/04/07 at 03:24yellow_mask: it was from this really crappy destroyed red range...
All Figs2445 viewsSince Zeo was my last puzzle peice in completing my figs, I thought I'd take a pic of all of them together.

Can't wait for the Overdrive figs.
08/03/07 at 23:29RedRanger1: Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool set
Time Force1191 viewsI got around to seeing all of timeranger a month back and I've been inspired to take a picture like this for so long but I never got around to doing that until yesterday.

what do you guys think?
08/03/07 at 23:28RedRanger1: Cool pic yer got there.
OO Yellow and MF Yellow828 viewsThis is how I wish sentai did their team ups instead of switching the colors when ever there is a sex difference.08/03/07 at 23:17RedRanger1: Oh, so Power Rangers DO flirt with other Power Ran...
Yellow Warriors1465 viewsAll official Yellow Warriors (I don't count the alien rangers as they weren't a proper power rangers team)
08/03/07 at 23:16RedRanger1: Fair do's. If all Yellow Rangers wear skirts, ...
All 7 SPD ranger with Omega1058 viewsI got omega Today :D so here is the complete team08/03/07 at 23:12RedRanger1: They do look good without skirts imo, but I have a...
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