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Chibi Liveman Wallpaper1778 views1024x768


Reverse Dimension Dragonzord693 viewsThe Dragonzord is the Pink Ranger's personal zord that he can summon by playing the Dragon Dagger. Can combine with Saber Tooth Tiger, Triceratops and Mastodon zords to form Dragonzord Fighting Mode.

Evil 4EverGreen Tigerzord Ranger!599 viewsBecause even the best of the good people in this world have a dark side to them, so do I have a reverse counterpart in the negative dimension! With an evil mustache & an evil goatee, the negative Black TigerZord ranger tries to take over the world for his evil master Nodroz!


1090 viewsAll the Dairanger Zords

Garo Armored Fearcat1811 views


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695 viewsJan 11, 2015

Ryan, Titanium Ranger (turnaround style)1134 viewsSomething I finally finished, the Titanium Ranger in three-way view database style.
Enjoy.Jul 03, 2012

Lauren Shiba, Red Samurai Ranger II (Super Mode)1222 viewsLauren Shiba, the female Red Ranger, in Super Samurai Mode.Jul 02, 2012

Lauren Shiba, Red Samurai Ranger II803 viewsUpdate and fix of my Lauren picture: Now has an official photo, and front view looks more similar.
Since I can't simply change the files of my uploads on this site, I'm uploading it separately.Jul 02, 2012

GoseiGreen (promo style)11863 viewsI realized there aren't many pictures of GoseiGreen that look unique, so I made this. GoseiGreen with his own pose (combined multiple pics instead of just greening Blue).
Enjoy!Feb 18, 2012

Power Rangers Super Samurai: Jayden Shogun Mode7003 viewsFeb 01, 2012

Battle Grid Troopers (season 2)7759 viewsWhat If Ryan got a new Battle Grid suit in season 2 based on his Shaider armor.May 16, 2011

Battle Grid Ryan (season 2) helmet.7276 viewsSame with the last one here's ryan's battle grid helmet.May 15, 2011
